Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bike Prom: Party of 35 now seating!

Tomorrow is Bike Prom and the kick off to Oktoberfest in BIKEmont! Here's your weekend itinerary and how tomorrow will shake out!

Lunch:  Skip lunch and anything fizzy you don't want to be bloated for the big event. Also - Get over to Jesters Theater to get your costume, errr. Tux.

3pm - Meet up at the Tasty Weasel for a Bike Parade!

Our friends at Left Hand Brewing, and Bicycle Longmont built a ceremonial bike trailer to haul the "Golden Keg". The Golden Keg will depart Oskar Blues' Tasty Weasel at 3pm, making it's way to Left Hand Brewery, the Pumphouse and on to Roosevelt Park where Mayor Coombs will tap the Golden Keg at 4pm. This tapping is the opening salvo to the 2012 Oktoberfest!

The Golden Keg's Chariot!
At about 5pm we'll duck back to the Weasel to get ready for Pre-Prom (6 - 7:30pm) and the Grand March (ride) to Roosevelt Park.

Bicycle Longmont will have the Bike Valet going strong tomorrow night and Saturday evening - you won't need to worry about your ride.

The Longmont YMCA has Kid-toberfest going on Friday night, too. This is the perfect opportunity to get out and have fun with out the nerve racking babysitter bill dampening your fun. The YMCA will have bike art (the kids will ride the Y's Bikes through paint, then over paper!), 6' inflatable balls, swimming and games. They will also provide healthy snacks for the kids too!

Call the Longmont YMCA to get your child signed up.

For the itinerary of Oktoberfest see below:

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