Traffic Safety Fund - Docs

 Longmont Traffic Safety Fund

Purpose Statement:

" WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is reasonable and appropriate that persons who are involved in contributing to the City’s traffic problems should also contribute monetarily to the solution through the imposition of a surcharge for convictions for violating certain traffic  laws; .....".

Info available via Google Docs:
Enabling legislation (ordinance)
An informative letter to our local municipal judge. The letter lists the issues and legal questions that had to be answered in the process. The attachments to the letter are helpful too, more so than the actual letter - perhaps.

Fort Collins' ordinance: $35 surcharge added to a ticket issued in a moving violation.
  - Includes funding for projects and educational programs, approximately $350,000

Evans' ordinance $25 surcharge added to a ticket issued in a moving violation.
  - Includes funding primarily for traffic calming projects and police enforcement 

Greeley had an ordinance but suspended it. $25 surcharge added to a ticket issued in a moving violation

Longmont's Traffic Safety Fund: $10 surcharge limited to bike/ped education programs.

Colorado Bike Expo Presentation

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