Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tomorrow night - Elvis!

We will ride Old Town tomorrow night - no confusing greenway adventures, just good ole Old Town. We'll meet at 6:30 and roll around 6:40. We're winding down the biggest Bike Night Season, ever! Thanks.

Remember to get your Elvis on!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Wednesday - Jersey Night - St. Vrain Greenway & Lefthand Brewing

Hey all,

So here's the "situation" - Wednesday's theme will be "Jersey Night" no, not THAT Jersey rather, we will honor the USA Pro Cycling Challenge by wearing your favorite jersey.

What, you don't have a bike jersey? No worries wear your favorite sports team jersey -Bronco's, Rockies, Minnesota Vikings, Blue Sky Velo, Nuggets, North Stars, Lefhand, Oskar Blues etc. Or if you don't have a single jersey take a white t-shirt and make one.

Our route will be Roosevelt leaving between 6:30 & 6:40, going almost directly to the Greenway out to Golden Ponds and back along the St. Vrain Greenway. Most likely there will be a contingency of folks stopping at Lefthand either on the way out or on the way back from Golden Ponds.

Next week (August 31st) the theme will be "Elvis".
Followed on September 7th with Margaritaville possibly with an after ride at Santiago's on Main Street.

September 14th will be the "Last" Bike Night for the season. There will be an after party for sure, somewhere....

Put those dates in your calendar and we'll see you Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bike Night Kids NIght: Late Breaking News

There are a lot of things going on tomorrow night. First I understand many schools have their "Back to School" nights tomorrow and Art In Public Places has their bike rack dedication at Sunset Pool, plus we're having Kids Night at Bike Night.

NORMALLY, this would be the run down for tomorrow night:
5:30 - 6:30 Kids Bike Night: Game Night @ Lincoln School located at Bowen Street & Lincoln School
6:45 Bike Rack Dedication ride begining at Roosevelt Park.

7pm - regular start
to Bike Night (tomorrow night is the 3rd Wednesday and that means late start)

So here's what we're going to do: We want to support Art in Public Places and those who need to start Bike Night Later.

If you'd like to ride to the
bike rack dedication meet at Roosevelt Park prior to 6:45. There will be someone there to lead the group to Sunset Pool. Following the dedication there will be a fun cruise around Old Town. (If you'd like to be the person leading the dedication ride send me a message on Facebook or comment here).

The kids will meet at 5:30pm and do their Game Night between 5:30 & 6:30, followed by a mini- cruise. The mini-cruise will go from Lincoln School to Roosevelt Park via 6th Avenue to Bross Street south to 5th Avenue by Thompson Park then over to Roosevelt Park via Pratt Street.

We will then circle Roosevelt Park to 8th Avenue, Bross Street, 6th Avenue and back to Lincoln School. During that time we will most likely meet the "Dedication Group". Feel free to jump into that group and continue your ride through Old Town.

There will be a break between the games ending ant the Kid's Cruiser Ride beginning. At that time if you'd like bail and go to the dedication, feel free to do so. The Dedication Riders should be passing about the time we finish with the game portion of the night. The dedication will be a lot of fun and I hear there maybe snacks.

Make sense?

So, Short update:
Kids = 5:30, Lincoln School
Dedication Ride to Sunset Pool= 6:45, Roosevelt Park
Kids Cruiser Ride = Following the game night at Lincoln School, Longs Peak & Bowen Street.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thank You, for a successful "Thankful RIde".

Lastnight nearly 100 riders joined us in our first ever "Thankful Ride". I'll send a note to 3M letting them know we've rebranded their blue 2inch painter tape "Thankful Tape".

Thanks for making that ride so great.

Next week will be the first ever Bike Night Game Night. Currently we're planning this to be in the parking lot at Lincoln School. Thursday is the start of the 2011/12 school year so we're begining the kids Game Night at 5:30pm. The Cruiser ride will start at 7pm at the usual place - Roosevelt Park at 7pm. We'll do a kids cruiser ride from Lincoln to Roosevelt and back to Lincoln.

Art In Public Places will dedicate a new bike rack at Sunset Pool that night, too. We'll ride from Roosevelt directly to Lincoln then, Sunset Pool. I suggest if your little one isn't good with hills, ascending or descending, you have him or her on a tag-a-long or trailer during the cruiser ride to/from Sunset Pool.

I'll post the games in a few days. All I can say is they will be fun.

Thanks for a great Bike Night. Don't forget to put your tape on your bike or car window.


Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Bike Night Wednesday - "Thankful Ride"

Saturday we had between 35 & 40 people join us on our first cruise to Niwot. We began & ended in Prospect. Our route took us down Plateau Road through the Water Song Neighborhood and southwest on the LoBo trail.

We grabbed a bite and a brew at the Niwot Tavern and then cruised "downtown" Niwot. It was a lot of fun.

We're thinking about doing this again on another Saturday in September. Stars, maybe?

Wednesday is fast approaching, the theme this week will be "The Thankful Ride". This is in direct response to the tragic events that occurred in NE Longmont over the weekend.

On Saturday or Sunday a 38 yr old father killed himself after killing his 3 yr old daughter. Initial reports stated he had been divorced and in financial trouble. Evidently he found killing himself and his 3 yr old was the only way out.

Reading this story made me think about all the things I was thankful for, and, while we all struggle from time to time, suicide is never the answer. That night I posted to facebook my feelings on this subject. Following that post I walked into my daughter's room and hugged her and told her I was so thankful for her and that I loved her.

Holding her I came up with this week's theme. I know it's not super goofy, or kitchy. No, Instead of wild costumes and craziness, I'm going to bring with me a roll of masking tape and a few sharpies. I invite you to attend the ride and write what you're most thankful for on the tape then display it somewhere on yourself your bike etc. After the ride maybe it will find its way to your rear car window or bumper. Who knows.

I just think with all the tragedy around us and with this global financial mess we're all in maybe we should take one night, one Bike Night, and just proclaim for ourselves what matters most.

I'm Thankful for my daughter, my wife, and even our crazy-ass dog.

Following our Thankful Ride here's something to look forward to!

The first ever - Longmont Bike Night - GAME NIGHT!

August 17th will be a really fun end to a great summer. The 18th, the kids must report to school. Parents will sigh with relief, I on the other hand will be filled with tears as Anna begins her Kindergarten year..... Yeah Class of 2024! Yikes ah hootay.

Anyway, because the 17th is a school night. - we will begin with the kid games early, at 5:30pm. I'm hoping to use the parking lot at Lincoln School on the corner of Lincoln Street and Longs Peak Avenue. If you'd like to drive there is ample parking on 6th Avenue and Lincoln Street. Please don't park in the parking lot.

We will have lots of fun games to play on our bikes. And, we may have prizes.

Also that night the Art In Public Places program will dedicate a new artful bike rack at Sunset Pool. We will ride over to Roosevelt at 7pm to pick up any stragglers and then to Sunset Pool for the dedication.

Following the dedication we will go on a cruise around old town.

5:30p to 6:30p - Bike Night Game Night for the kids
6:30p - 7p - break for a snack and dinner on your own
7p ride from Lincoln to Roosevelt to get folks starting at 7pm (it's the third Wednesday of the month - late start night).
7:05ish - Ride to Sunset Pool for the dedication.
7:30ish - Continue the cruise.
8:00 wrap up near 5th & Kimbark.

So I hope you can join us for both rides - tomorrow and next week.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Prospect to Niwot Cruiser Ride tomorrow evening - 6pm

Tomorrow night we will cruise from Prospect to Niwot. Our destination will be the Niwot Tavern. Bicycle Longmont will set up ahead of our ride and we will have a cooler of water with snacks waiting for us. If you'd like something else the Niwot Tavern is at your disposal.

The return trip will take us through Historic Downtown Niwot and back to the LoBo Trail. From there we will make our way back to Prospect. Help us save money by following this link to download and print your own route map.

See you tomorrow night.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Wendesday, August 3rd is Wacky Wednesday!!

Our theme this week is delightfully ambiguous - Wacky Wednesday!

Get wacktacular this week and join us! We'll meet at the usual time - 6:30pm and start rolling about 6:40p. We'll keep it in Old Town and probably mix it up a little bit.

There will be a gift certificate for a free massage up for grabs, too.

Last week we shot back over 100 riders with 136 people joining us on Wild West Wednesday. We rolled down to the greenway in time for an incredible burst of thunder - lightening and rain. Lots of rain.

Apologies to anyone who may have gotten turned around or generally lost. We'll do better the next time we venture down that way.

Here's to the Wacky.
