Lastweek was the last Bike NIght. For the fourth time in as many years the after-ride party was held at Abondanza's downtown. We had a great turnout despite the rain. There were close to 30 something, 30 somethings there. Bob Goff, owner of downtown's best pizzeria, donated $60 to the Bicycle Longmont Holiday Bike Program. You can learn more about that program by going to
Bicycle Longmont's hompage.Our biggest supporter has been Pete at Acme Bikes. Pete's been there since the begining - 8 years ago. Pete knows his bikes and once again stepped up with the schwag. Lots of people left the after-ride with some new things, and a few left saying to themselves "Rats. Next year, I'll get me some of that free stuff!" So if there is anything you need I encourage you to check it out with Pete first. Acme is located behind Aunt Alice's Kitchen, near Natural Grocers, BY Vitamin Cottage. (You have the vision of that freaky chica from the commercial, don't you, It's OK).
Eventhough the weekly rides ended there are a couple of rides to look forward to. We will again dawn our costumes and have a Bike Night ride the afternoon of October 30th. This is the same day as the Longmont Halloween Parade. We will meet at 4pm that Saturday at Roosevelt Park. Bring candy and we'll see who we can pelt along the way.
Should be a lot fun. BIke Night will also be representing all that is good and right in the world during the Holiday Parade, too. More to come on that in the medium distant future.
For now, Bike Night may have ended but that doesn't mean you should hang that cruiser on the wall. Keep riding, and remember!
Ride Wednesdays!
Your friendly neighborhood cruiser coordinator!
See you in a few weeks.