Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Football & Bikes?

Besides being sports and major pastimes for many Coloradans, Bike Longmont saw the Bronco’s win, as an opportunity to reach Bronco fans who, may or may not ride regularly.  The Orange Ride is a fun, laid back way to have fun and get a little rowdy on a Wednesday night.

There are a lot of folks who enjoy cycling and football. Bringing the two together to support the Bronco’s seemed like a good idea. Bicycle Longmont prides itself on taking a non-traditional approaches to getting more people on the road.

Since 2010 Bike Longmont added Longmont Bike Night. Since then the two have done some pretty cool things. The Orange Ride is just another in a long and fun list.  

Why craft beer. 

If you’ve followed Longmont Bike Night you know Left Hand is a favorite stop and Oskar Blues is a storied supporter of  It seemed to make sense to include Longmont’s favorite craft breweries in our ride.
Bike Night and the G’Knight Ride. Also – in an interview Payton Manning mentioned he’d have a Bud Light following the interview. Colorado is the epicenter of craft brewing in the nation.
Headlights are needed and helmets encouraged for adults and required for kids.

Route & Timing:
There will be stops along the way, but the ride IS family-friendly and free. We encourage you to bring your family to Cyclhops at 5:00pm with the ride leaving  at 5:30pm on Wednesday the 29th. However, if you have elementary or younger children, we ask that you meet us at Roosevelt Park at 7pm. We will take a safe route along Dry Creek greenway to Twin Peaks Mall, then east to Price Road and on to Left Hand for a brief stop before climbing into Old Town. If you venture with us from Southwest Longmont the ride will easily top 15 miles.  Joining us at Roosevelt Park will put the ride easily within the range for elementary kids. We will finish before 8pm ending at Breaker’s downtown at 4th & Main Street.

What if I can’t make it? Is anyone else doing this?
The Orange ride is more than just Longmont. Bike Longmont reached out to other social rides across Colorado. We are urging people who’ve participated in the G’Knight Ride, Longmont Bike Night, Boulder’s Happy Thursday Ride, Pueblo Cruiser Rides, Buena Vista Cruisers, and the Denver Cruiser Ride to do their own Orange Ride and publicize it through social media.

While the big game may come around every year, our team and state pride, only gets one shot at a win every now and then. If you’re into cycling and cannot make the Longmont Orange Ride, do your own thing. The next two weekends look great for biking in the cul-de-sac, downtown or to your favorite craft brewery.

How many people will show up on Wednesday the 29th. At 7pm, Roosevelt Park?
1 more if you do, twice as many if you bring a friend!

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