
Sunday, February 05, 2012

Bike Night: Who's too sexy?

Well, maybe not Scott or myself but, considering 2012 is the supposed apocalypse, come check out the G'Knight Ride guys doing our turns on the catwalk. Scott Conlin and myself were asked to take our turns while we get in touch with our inner outfitter. So come on over to the Cayenne Kitchen on Friday, February 10th at 7ish PM. We could us the support and, of course, we'll all have a better time if the place is PACKED! Scott and I will be representing Old Town Outfitters in beautiful, trendy and happenin' Downtown Bikemont. In case you're wondering where you fit in, I'm here to tell you - You belong in Old Town, baby. And, just so you have the right song bouncing in the gray matter - here's a link to this week's anthem: Right Said Fred!

Wish me luck on losing 20 pounds before friday, Friday, FRIDAY!
PS - There will be fun for the kidinski's from 5 - 6pm at Old Town Outfitters. We'll be there with registration forms for the 2012 G'Knight Ride PLUS - a Special Winter Kids Bike Night, Game Night! We'll have games like "Paperboy" errr Paper-person, or whatever they're called now, plus some fun bike handling games, too. Come join us and then check out the Fashion in Action as well as all the other cool things happening downtown.



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