
Monday, June 13, 2011

New Promo for Bike NIght

Longmont's Channel 8 has a new TV show they're broadcasting, Around Town. Check out the latest episode here. Josh and the guys at Channel 8 tagged along with Bike NIght a few weeks ago and shot some footage. BIke Night kicks in at 5 minutes, 29 seconds.


See you tomorrow night at 7pm. If you've got friends who commute home later, let them know. We're starting late to let them catch up with us!

Our route tomorrow will go to the Greenways. I'll check in the afternoon for flooding, if the Mighty St. Vrain runneth over, we will be back in Old Town.

One thing to do with your kids between now and then is make sure they know how to use their brakes. We will tackle the Bowen Hill. Don't worry we'll rock Martin Street back into Old Town. We will pass by the Lefthand. Feel free to stop, I will lead the remaining group back to Old Town.

See you Wednesday.

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